Convert Text to Time Values with Formulas

Bottom line: Learn how to convert times stored as text [## hours ## minutes ## seconds] to time values [h:mm:ss] that can be used for calculations and data analysis in Excel.

Skill level: Intermediate

The Data Cleansing Challenge

This post is the first in a series on solutions to the data cleansing challenge I presented in a previous post. The challenge is to use any tools in Excel to convert the time/duration stored a text into a numeric value that can be formatted as a time.

Convert Text Values to Time Values in Excel

The original data set contains a column of time/duration text that are in the following format.

1 hour 27 minutes 15 seconds

We need to convert it to a number in Excel with a time format of h:mm:ss that looks like the following.


Formula based Solutions

There were a ton of awesome solutions submitted on the original post and YouTube video. Thanks again if you submitted a solution!

The most popular solutions used functions and formulas to extract the times values from the text, and convert it to a time.

In the next posts we'll look at how to use Power Query and VBA UDF's to do this conversion.

Download the Excel File

Download the example Excel file to follow along.

The file uses Excel Tables. Checkout my post and video on a beginner's guide to Excel Tables if you aren't familiar with this awesome Excel feature yet.

Solution #1: Text Functions

In the video below I walk through how to solve the challenge with text functions. The text functions (MID and SEARCH) are used to find and extract the numbers for each time period (hours, minutes, seconds).

Explanation of the formula

The formula to extract each time increment looks like the following.


Video Tutorial

In the video I explain each component and walk through how to write the formula.

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Here is a brief explanation of what each function does in the formula.

  • SEARCH – find text within a string of text and return the number of the starting character.
  • MID – return/extract a portion of the text based on the starting charcter number and length of characters.
  • MAX – return a 1 if SEARCH returns a zero for the starting character. Used in place of an IF function.
  • VALUE – convert the text returned by MID to a numeric value.
  • IFERROR – handles the error returned by SEARCH if the find_text is not found. Return a zero to denote that the time period (hr, min, sec) does not exist in the text.

Solution #2: SUMPRODUCT Function

The next solution uses the SUMPRODUCT function to convert all time periods to seconds. Thanks to Laura and Wong for sharing this technique. Wong has a full article on this formula over at

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Explanation of the formula

The formula uses the same basic text extraction technique from solution #1 above.

However, it also uses arrays within the SUMPRODUCT formula. This allows us to do the extraction for each time period within one SEARCH function.


The {“h”,”m”,”sec”} is an array, or list of values, that is used in the find_text argument of SEARCH. This returns the results of the search in an array back to the SUMPRODUCT function.

So the text time of 10 hours 39 minutes 40 seconds would return the following array to the MID(SEARCH()) portion of the formula.


You can think of the SEARCH function as calculating three separate times to return those results.

The second array in SUMPRODUCT is the amount of seconds in each time period {hr, min, sec}.


There are 3,600 seconds in an hour (60*60), 60 seconds in a minute, and 1 second in a second.

SUMPRODUCT multiplies each of the values together and then sums them up.


This returns the total number of seconds. That number is divided by the number of seconds in a day 86,400 = (24*60*60).

The result is a decimal number or the fraction of a whole day. Each day is Excel is represented by a whole number. Checkout my article on date data types and the calendar system in Excel to learn more.

What if the duration greater than 24 hours?

The advantage of the SUMPRODUCT solution is that it can handle times that are over 24 hours. Since it is returning the number of seconds, anything over 86,400 seconds will still return a decimal number.

We can use the following format to display the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.


The SUMPRODUCT formula is a very robust solution, and it's super nifty. 👍


There are a lot of different ways to solve this problem with formulas. In this post we looked at two different formulas to extract the time increments and convert them to time values.

In the next posts we will look at solutions with Power Query and VBA UDF's (User Defined Functions).

Please leave a comment below with any questions or suggestions. Thank you! 🙂


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  • Just be advised that the SUMPRODUCT solution is susceptible to Excel’s rounding problem for lengthy decimals, such that right answers to our eyes are occasionally not “right answers” to Excel. The 4:43:23 result for row 979 is an example. For more details, see my reply to Toni on page 2 of the comments for the original post, and note that this variation from Laura and Wong only results in 8 near misses instead of the 14 from Toni’s approach.

  • Is there a way to do the reverse?
    Convert Time Values to Text

    eg. converting 1:15:10 to 1 hour 15 minutes 10 seconds

  • What do I need to do to use this formula with values like the following?


    The MAX function doesn’t appear to work correctly.

  • Hi, Please help, I am typing the formula =SUMPRODUCT(IFERROR(VALUE(MID(0&$N2,SEARCH({“h”,”m”,”s”},0&$N2)-3,3)),0),{3600,60,1})

    My answers were
    32m 24s 00:32:24
    4m 59s 00:00:59
    1h 51m 00:51:00
    8m 52s 00:00:52
    1m 8s 00:00:00
    1h 23m 00:23:00

    How do I correct this to get them in the right places?

  • Hi, really late to the party. This works for me but I notice that some of my fields have numbers like 123min. When the first function (=SUMPRODUCT(VALUE(IFERROR(MID(0&C2,SEARCH({“h”,”m”,”sec”},0&C2)-3,2),{0,0,0})),{3600,60,1})/86400) converts it, it converts it to 01:23:00 instead of 2:03:00. Is there an easy way to fix this?

  • Have been struggling to get formula right but my issue I am trying to get this -> 2d 7h 9m 45s to be converted

    could you assist with formula for this…. your help would be dearly appreciated as I have searched all over. the workbook i downloaded which you provided does not work for the above format so your assistance would be great.


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