The video below explains how to add the List Search Add-in to your own workbooks.
Video Tutorial
This has been a popular request. Typically, List Search only runs on the computer where you install the add-in. However, you can import list search to your existing workbooks.
There are two ways to go about this:
Option 1: Blank Workbook with List Search
Use the blank workbook file that contains the List Search form and VBA code. The file is available for download at the bottom of this page.
Download and unzip the Excel file. The file is blank and can be used for any new projects. You can also copy worksheets into the file.
This is a good option for new files because the workbook contains the XL Campus tab with the List Search button.
Option 2: Copy List Search Components to Existing Files
If you have existing Excel files that you want to add List Search to, then you will need to copy the List Search userform and code modules into your workbook. This is very easy to do and just requires simple drag-and-drop in the VB Editor.
You will also need to save your file as a macro enabled file (.xlsm).
Then add a button to your worksheet and assign it to the “ShowSearch” macro.
Your users will have to enable macros when opening the files that contain List Search. Alternatively, you can add folders to Trusted Locations list in Excel, and save the files there, so you don't have to enable macros each time.
I explain how to do all this setup in the video above. Please leave a comment below with any questions.
Learn Macros & VBA
I developed the List Search Add-in completely in the VBA Editor. VBA is included with Excel and allows us to automate common tasks or enhance Excel with new feature. List Search is a good example of this.
If you'd like to learn how to create or modify add-ins and macros like this, my VBA Pro Course teaches all this in an easy step-by-step manner.
To get started, checkout my free webinar training on getting started with macros & VBA. It's an hour long training that will teach you how to write your first macro.
At the end of the webinar I will send you an invitation to join the course.