3 Tips for the Function ScreenTip in Excel

I want to share with you three things that you may not know about the Function ScreenTip, which is the box that appears just below the function you're editing or writing.

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Function ScreenTip

1. Clicking the argument name will highlight the corresponding text in the function.

Each of the sections in a function corresponds with an argument name in the Function ScreenTip. If you click anywhere in the function, it will bold the argument name in the ScreenTip. On the other hand, clicking any of the arguments in the Screentip will highlight the corresponding text in the formula.

function screentip corresponds to formula text

This can be helpful for editing specific portions of the function.

2. Clicking on the function name in the Function ScreenTip will open up the Help menu for that function. This menu gives all sorts of practical information about the function, including what it's used for, what each of the arguments does, and examples of how to use the function.

Click on function name in Function ScreenTip to bring up help menu

3. The ScreenTip can be moved.

Finally, many people don't realize that you can relocate the Function ScreenTip if you find that it's getting in your way. Just hover over the border of the ScreenTip, left-click, and then drag it to wherever you'd like it to be.

Relocate the function screentip

Also, if you want to turn off the ScreenTip completely, you can do so in Excel Options.

If you have any questions about the Function ScreenTip, just leave a comment below. We're happy to help!


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