7 New Excel Features & Updates

Bottom Line: Discover the latest enhancements to Excel for the web.

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New Updates for Everyone!

The web version of Excel has received several updates recently. If you haven't used the web version in a while, you might be surprised at how similar it is to the desktop version of Excel.

Did you realize that Excel for the web is free to use? You don't need to buy a license. You can just go to excel.new in your web browser. If you don't already have a Microsoft account, you can sign up for a free one and then that will open Excel for the web.

This means that you do NOT have to wait for these features to come out of beta. They are available for everyone to use right now.

Now, let's explore seven new features in the web version of Excel.

1. Enhancements for Rows and Columns

When you hover your mouse over the column header, a 6-dot icon appears.

Drap and drop rows and columns

You can click and hold this icon to move the column, and a vertical bar indicates where it will be inserted. This works similarly for rows.

Drag and drop columns

Unlike the desktop version, there's no need to hold the Shift key to see the vertical bar. The Shift key performs a replace function, and the Ctrl key makes a duplicate copy.

Inset a new column on Excel for web

Hovering above the column header reveals small dots that allow for quick insertion of columns and rows. This update simplifies the process compared to the traditional right-click and insert method.

2. Freeze Panes

Freezing panes is now even easier with the modernized Excel grid. By dragging the blue line that appears when you hover above the row headers, you can freeze panes without using the Ribbon. Of course, this works similarly for column headers as well.

Freeze Panes

3. Autofill Options

Typing a value and dragging the fill handle now presents an autofill options menu. This feature, which includes Fill Series and Copy Cells, is also available for numbers and dates. Although it may be a bit buggy currently, it's a welcome addition.

Auto-fill Options

4. Paste Options

After copying cells, right-clicking to paste now offers a paste special menu with various options such as values only, formulas, or formatting. These options are also accessible from the Home tab.

Paste Special Menu

5. Links to Sheet Views

Sheet views allow you to create custom views for sorting or filtering data. You can now copy a link to a sheet view and share it via email or message. This link will open the file in the specified view.

Limk to Sheet Views

You can also add the sheet view to your bookmarks bar for quick access.

6. Filters for Comments

New filters have been added to the comments task pane, allowing you to filter active comments, resolved comments, or comments that mention you specifically. This helps manage busy comment sections more effectively.

Filter Comments

7. Date Picker

A date picker is now available for any cell containing a date. Double-clicking the cell or pressing F2 opens the date picker, which allows for easy date selection and navigation. It also appears when inserting today's date using the Ctrl + ; shortcut.

Date Picker Calendar

I'm curious to know which of these updates you're most excited about. Please leave a comment below and let us know.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy 17 Amazing Excel Features Hiding in Plain Sight.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!


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  • Some of these are neat, but the paste special menu / submenu was already there, and it showed more options as it was icon based only. Not sure if this can count as new, or even an improvement. They seem to have left the most common options though. Did they also remove the “Paste Special..” option at the end of the sub menu that opened the full options dialog?

  • Loving the date picker most of all honestly – would love for this also in desktop version! Hoping it will help with user updates to spreadsheets!

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