Video Series: Navigate Excel with the Keyboard

Navigate Excel with the Keyboard eBook

This page contains the videos that follow the eBook.


Learning keyboard shortcuts can really save you a lot of time with everyday tasks.  But they can be difficult to learn and remember.  I recommend taking your time when learning these.  You can bookmark this page and watch these videos as often as you like.

To not make it so overwhelming, watch one of these videos a week and practice the shortcuts you learn.  Once you have them memorized, come back and watch the next video.

Please leave a comment below with any questions or suggestions.

Getting Around the Worksheet

Selecting Ranges

Inserting and Deleting Rows & Columns

Select Corners or Go To the End of a Selection

Selecting and Adding Worksheets

Navigating the Excel Ribbon – Keyboard Shortcuts for Your Favorite Buttons

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  • By the way, There is a mouse equivalent to Ctrl+Arrow: double-click the active cell’s border in the desired direction. If you already hold the mouse, it’s a useful “trick” without the need for the mouse wheel and scrolling for miles or reaching back to the keyboard for the Ctrl+↓ .

    As always, great and useful guide.