Including Headers in VSTACK Data

In a previous post, I showed you how to combine data from several sheets into one sheet using the VSTACK function. You can watch the tutorial for that here: VSTACK to Combine Multiple Sheets.

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A common question that arises from the process is, “How do we add headers?”

How to include headers with VSTACK

Good question!

There are two quick ways to add headers to the stacked data.

The first way is to copy and paste the headers from the first sheet, but that's not very flexible.

Copy and paste headers

The second way is to add the headers into the VSTACK formula.

To do that, edit your VSTACK formula so that the headers from your first tab come before the data range you've already specified. Separate this new data range from the existing range with a comma.

You are essentially adding another array and stacking the header line on top of the other stacked data.

VSTACK Headers

Now, if your headers on the first tab ever change, the changes will automatically reflect in your combined VSTACK data.

Header add to VSTACK formula

Pretty simple, right?

If you have any questions, just ask in the comments and we'll get back to you as soon as we are able.

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  • Including headers in VSTACK data is essential for clarity and organization. This practice ensures you manage and interpret information effectively, helping you livewell by maintaining a streamlined and efficient workflow.

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