As I mentioned in the newsletter, my long awaited Ultimate Lookup Formulas Course is coming soon. This is an online video course that will help you learn how to write a variety of lookup formulas in Excel.
The course covers a lot of different functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, INDIRECT, GETPIVOTDATA, Excel Tables, and so much more.
In order to create the best training material, I want to make sure I have everything covered. The survey below will help me understand how you are using the lookup formulas in Excel, and what you want to learn.
Please take the survey even if you aren't using the lookup formulas yet.
Survey Closed
Thanks again for taking the time to do this! I really appreciate your help!
Always looking for ways to improve or streamline my reporting cycle for network resources.
Hi jon,
Do you have any plan in the future for preparing a business analytic course?
so amazing is excel
I agree Edgardo!
Thanks Jon!